Convert US Dollar (USD) to Mexican Peso (MXN): Current Exchange Rate and Analysis
Is the Dollar Strong Against the Peso? Understanding whether the dollar is strong against the peso can influence decisions on when to exchange or send money to Mexico.
If the dollar is strong, you might receive more pesos for your dollars due to a better exchange rate.
The exchange rate is influenced by various factors, such as inflation, interest rates, and each country’s monetary policies.
Today, Tuesday, March 18, 2025, the average dollar exchange rate in Mexico is 1 Dollar = 19.90 Pesos, Buy: $19.50, Sell: $20.30.
For some time, Mexico has implemented a floating exchange rate system, where the peso’s value concerning the dollar is determined by market supply and demand without direct government intervention.
Knowing these factors provides better insight into exchange rate fluctuations.
What Has Been the Highest Price of the Dollar in Mexico?
On April 5, 2020, the dollar reached its highest value in Mexico’s history, at 25.71 pesos per dollar. This spike was primarily due to economic uncertainty caused by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the global drop in oil prices.
In 2024, the dollar reached its highest price on June 12, registering at approximately 18.76 pesos per dollar.
What is the Exchange Rate Between US Dollars and Mexican Pesos?
The exchange rate between the US Dollar (USD) and the Mexican Peso (MXN) is the rate at which these two currencies are exchanged, indicating how many Mexican Pesos you get for one dollar.
Importance of the Exchange Rate in the Economy
The exchange rate immediately impacts the economy, affecting international trade, investment, and tourism between countries.
Current Exchange Rate
1 USD = X MXN (Actual Dollar Exchange Rate)
1 USD = X MXN (Actual Dollar Exchange Rate) 1 USD equals 20.78 MXN (exchange rate as of February 25, 2025).
Remember, the value of the US Dollar to Mexican Peso changes constantly, so you should always check it before sending money to Mexico.
The exchange rate is subject to variations based on supply and demand in the foreign exchange market, also known as “currency pairings.”
Date and Time of Last Update:
The exchange rate is updated in real-time to reflect changes in the foreign exchange market. Click the following link to see the real-time Dollar-to-Peso exchange (US dollar to Mexican peso) and Send Money to Mexico.
Exchange Rate Analysis
The exchange rate between dollars and pesos has fluctuated in the past 30 days, with a high of 20.38 and a low of 17.9502.
Currency Conversion
Our online currency converter allows you to convert USD to MXN and vice versa, making it easy to compare current exchange rates.
The exchange rate is updated to reflect current rates from Pangea to Mexico.
Examples of Common Conversions (e.g., 1 USD to MXN, 10 USD to MXN)
USD 1 equals MXN 20.78.
USD 10 equals MXN 200.78.
Statistics and Tools
The average exchange rate over the past 30 days is 19.38.
The exchange rate has fluctuated by -2.16% in the last 30 days.
Currency Exchange Simulation
Our currency exchange simulation tool allows you to test different currency conversion scenarios.
The exchange rate between USD and MXN is essential for investors, traders, and travelers.
The current exchange rate is 1 USD = 20.78 MXN, but you should check it daily for the exact amount.
Importance of Monitoring the Exchange Rate to Make Informed Decisions
Monitoring the exchange rate daily helps you make informed decisions regarding investments, trade, and international travel.