August is here and, for Salvadorans, this means a weeklong celebration of Fiestas Agostinas. Families gather with traditional cuisine, music and festivities. For those in the US, it’s a great occasion to share wistful feelings and send money back home. 


According to the Central Bank of El Salvador, family remittances continue to be the main driver of the Salvadoran economy. With Pangea Money Transfer, Salvadorans can now send more money to their families. Especially during this celebratory time of year!


Carmen’s story

For some Salvadorans, sending family members to the US is the only option to escape poverty. This is especially true for Carmen, who sent her 2 daughters to the US several years ago. Now, with more affordable money transfer solutions, she can expect to receive extra money each month from her daughters. With that, she can improve her household, increase her other children’s education and celebrate Fiestas Agostinas with her family.


Save up to 75% in fees!

Other services charge an average of almost $10.00 to send only $500 to El Salvador. This is easily an hour’s worth of hard work! With Pangea Money Transfer, users can send up to $999 for a fixed fee of only $3.95. This means you’ll never be surprised with hidden fees.


How are you celebrating Fiestas Agostinas this year? If you’re sending money home to help with the festivities, don’t forget to use Pangea Money Transfer so you can start saving!


Share your celebration stories below, or on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.