Pangea CEO Rahier Rahman was recently the featured guest on the Logra Tu Dream podcast. Logra Tu Dream—Spanglish for “Achieve Your Dream”—is hosted by Arturo Nava, who came to the US more than 16 years ago from Mexico to attend Harvard’s MBA program. Arturo started Logra Tu Dream with a mission to help other Latinos achieve their dreams as he did.

In this episode, Rahier and Arturo discuss the inspiration behind Pangea Money Transfer, the journey to success, and the significant impact Pangea has had on the Latino community by making money transfer easier and more affordable for consumers. 


You can listen to the full podcast here!


Don’t forget to use the Pangea mobile app to send money to family and friends in Latin America! We now offer the option to pay for your money transfers with cash—click here to learn how it works. 


#HappySending #MobileMoney